Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

I got an email that sent a roar of hee-haws out of my mouth that the neighbors 2 doors down might have heard. Since it is fresh on my mind, this may be as good a place to begin as any.


The joke formerly posted here has been deleted since the humor was derived from belittling the illiterate. I have to admit that it was funny, but I do not wish to spread that type of humor.

A Midweek Guide

Borrowing a question from a discussion group on Facebook, the inquirer wrote,"Why is faith considered a virtue? Is it rude to ask for evidence when someone makes a claim about God?"

There were a lot of good responses. I added my two bits.

I don't consider faith to be a virtue. The Apostle, Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8 & 9 that faith is a gift from God. Through faith we can believe and be saved, but it is only because of God's grace that we can even find faith at all.

A good definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1-3 "Faith is a firm foundation for us to build our hope upon, a conviction that something we cannot see does exist. On this basis our forefathers gained God's approval. Faith is understanding in our inner being that the spoken word of God set up the ages so that what we see may shine out of that which has not appeared on the scene."

God rewards faith with greater faith. But verse 6 says, "...without any faith it is impossible to please God; for in coming to Him it is absolutely necessary to believe that He exists, and that He is One who rewards those seeking Him." So we have the obligation to accept the faith He gives, but if we reject it, He will reject us.

It is just and right for God to reject those who reject the faith He gives. He is not one to force himself on anyone. He is not a tyrant that makes people behave in just one way. A person can choose to believe what he wants, act any way that he chooses, and refuse God for all eternity. That is the freedom of choice God gives.

But for those who will allow, He draws them to seek Him as you may be doing now. If so, you can be sure that He will give the faith that you need. It will also be all the evidence that you need.

Something to Share

Monday I kept my appointment with my Dr.'s nurse since his schedule was full. I had been so exhausted lately, and it was time to be evaluated for the (hopefully) positive response to the drug he placed me on. So she ran the EKG and took the paper out of the room. As it turned out, that was the time my pulse rate dropped to new lows -- 38 b/m,she said. I was given the choice of going to the E.R. or seeing a specialist. I chose the specialist. Then it was back to the VA clinic for a blood draw and heart monitor for 24 hrs. Tuesday saw more time in the waiting room at the clinic to have the monitor removed. Now I wait for the results.

God allows the testing of our faith so our faith can grow stronger. My heart rate had been low, averaging 44-45 b/m during the two months of twice daily blood pressure monitoring. But at the time of my appointment it was at the lowest it had been and I felt ready to pass out. After just a short time it was back up where it had been, and I was able to drive again. God is Good!

Quotable and the Not So Quotable Quotes

"You can judge the quality of their faith from the way they behave. Discipline is an index to doctrine." ~ Tertullian (160 - 225)

"Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. We should live for the future, and yet find our life in the fidelities of the present; the last is only the method of the first."
Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887)

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