Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Direction, America?

Family Life Post 8/6/09
Dennis Rainey: " I'm enjoying my first cup of Rwandan coffee and thinking about a book I'm reading on the capture of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi war criminal who exterminated a million Jews. I am wondering what went wrong in his life as a young man...he grew up in a Protestant home. Same could be asked for the entire country of Germany."

Ronald A. Richardson: ~ "Eichmann and the German people were duped and deceived by Satan's lies. Germany was by far a more "Christian" nation in the early 1900's than they are today. Satan works hardest where one is the weakest. Germany's weakness was its pride in its origins, race, and heritage. The educational system was greater than it ever had been, and one man saw this and shaped a whole generation, raised on his belief in the master race.

"Makes me stop to wonder where our nation is headed. Is the phrase, "Proud to be an American" really how we should feel about our nation?

"Our schools are the battleground for the minds of our youth, and our schools in many cases are controlled by the wrong people, people with an agenda.

"Where this is all leading I am not sure, but I am quite certain it is in a direction I don't want to go."


I kept my comments short for facebook readers. There is so much more to be said about our nation and our schools, I don't know where to begin. It looks as if we have lost the battle in some areas and are going down in others fast. Soon we will be past the point of no return, and we don't begin to know what that will bring. Will there come a time when Christians no longer have a say in government or how the schools are run? May it never happen, but we will need to stay on our toes in every area to prevent it.

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