Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hello, my name is Ron and I'm a recovering Facebo'holic. This is my first time on the bandwagon, and I want ta tell ya', it's tough. I quit cold turkey last night when I shut down and went to bed. I've been dry now for fourteen hours and only 5 of those were spent sleeping. I was up at 5 AM, and the first thing I wanted to do was to turn on my computer and just read - not write anything. But I want to tell ya' I left the laptop off, and I was doin' pretty good until I decided to come give my testimonial at F. Anon. Suddenly I had the deepest desire to click on my web browser and tell the world how I love them and crave the attention they return to me.

I told my inner self that no one even knows I am missing. All three hundred and forty or more of my friends have plenty of other friends to dialogue with and be preoccupied with so they won't even know I am not among them. I asked my Higher Power to make it clear to me that I am doing the right thing by breaking this addiction. Something inside of me keeps telling me it would be okay to take just one quick glance at what everyone is saying when I am not around. Boy, that one almost got me off the bandwagon! But I know my Higher Power is telling me I can live without the euphoria.

I get such an emotional high when I am writing my status, commenting on my friend's posts and status's (what would the plural of that be, stati?) You know when I am not writing on someone's wall I become so withdrawn and antisocial. Facebook really loosens me up and draws me out. I miss it so much I can taste it.

So I guess as someone who has just made his break away from that madhouse, what I need to know is what do I do with all the extra hours I used to spend with my buddies? And what do I do when all of a sudden I just have to talk to someone, but everyone who is somebody who understands my problem is online with all their friends. Is there no true support group for someone like me?

Well, as soon as I post this I will have to swing by fb and let everyone know what is going on. I expect that will be the end of the bandwagon for me. I need a safe house where there is no internet to pull me down. And someone there with me when I just want to grab a keyboard and peck away. Help me through the tough times, will ya?

Oh well, I guess there is really no help for a person like me. My only hope is that I can come to my senses before midnight and wake up sober in the morning.

* * * * * * * *

Thank you, Ron. My friend with the same name as I has similar problems with fb as I.
Perhaps someday there will be a fb Anon. Until then, we struggle. Time to announce the link to this post. See you on fb!

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