Tuesday, November 3, 2009


For now this is just Tuesday. Adopt a child month has come to a close. If you considered adoption during October, let me encourage you to pursue it. We who have adopted and found it a good and rewarding experience are often too silent about it. The ones who make all the noise are the ones with the horror stories. I am so glad my first wife and I adopted our son. Ours is an example of an adoption that turned out well.

Quotable and the Not So Quotable Quotes

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something." ~ Plato

I know there are times when I say too much. May it never be simply because I had to say it, though I am sure there have been times.... I believe most people do both, talk because they have something to say, and because they have to say something. The wisdom comes in knowing which is which and applying it circumspectly.


Some friends, Letta (rhymes with Rita), Terri, and I were having a chat room discussion on pets when they started telling about their birds.

Terri: "The most we ever had at a time is the 4 cats, 5 dogs....

and then I have a Green Wing Macaw and Cockatoo"

Letta: "I have a Nanday conure. They say they are the loudest of all the conures.

I truly believe that is a fact."

Terri: "Birds are some funny creatures.

"Caesar/ the Cockatoo--- is very loud, but likes to snuggle. When he wants to snuggles he says, 'want to watch TV' (I guess because we snuggle in front of the TV and talk about it or something)

"Vegas/ the Green Wing [Macaw]-- is most amazing, he yells, 'maaawwwmm' when he wants me (think the kids taught him that)....he also tells Caesar to 'shuuuut up' (which he also learned from the kids...lol)"

Ronald *not really having wise words, but feeling like he had to say something*:

"LOL- Watta bird!" [Translation: WOW- What a fool I am].

Terri: "haha.... I love my animals... they are a hoot....

"my dog does a thing we call, raise the roof... she will dance and raise her front paws in the air like she is "raising the roof"....

"the other dog.... if you say, 'High Five' across the room at her, she will run and jump and slap her paw against your hand...

"the cats...well....they are just ornery renegades"

Letta: "Thats funny.

"Bob, tells you 'come here' if you put your hand in his cage, he says 'watcha doin'' and several other things. He mocks the sound of a squeaky door we have, and the sound of my husband cranking the goose-neck trailer up or down.

"He mocks people when they laugh, and he barks like the dogs outside (very convincingly)."

Terri: "haha...

"Have you ever heard an African Grey? I know someone who has one and he sounds exactly like their home phone, their cell ring tones & alarm clock.

"They tell me he plays tricks on them all the time, especially with the alarm clock.
They told me one time, that the husband was out of town and the alarm went off and the bird said, in the husbands voice, '15 more minutes,' (supposedly the husband says that frequently)----and the wife hit the snooze and then remembered her husband was out of town....NOW that would have been freaky..."

That is just about the way my afternoon went with me tossing in a foolish comment every now and then. So now you know the rest of the story, why Plato got top billing two nights in a row in the quotation column. I got an interesting and humorous script for tonight's blog, and they got my promise that I would tell you they won (won what, I will never say). I would say I had the greater win!

This fool will close with a repeat of another quote from last night,

"The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool." ~William Shakespeare

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